Before your pet's anaesthetic

What you need to do if your animal is being admitted for an operation

  • If your DOG OR CAT is having a general anaesthetic or sedation, they should be fed approximately HALF of their normal breakfast before 6am that morning. This food should be wet or SOAKED for more than 1 hour. If this isn’t possible, starve your pet from midnight.  

  • Rabbits and small rodents should be given access to food and water as normal. We recommend that you bring in their favourite foods for them to have while at the surgery. You may also like to bring in their own food/water containers.

  • Dogs should be given the opportunity to relieve themselves before coming to the surgery unless your vet requests otherwise.

  • Cats must be kept in overnight prior to surgery.

What happens if your pet needs to be admitted

  • An appointment will be booked with a veterinary nurse or veterinary surgeon.
  • We will have to gather some information so we can go ahead with the planned procedure and ensure that nothing has changed since we last saw you and your pet.
  • You will be asked to read a form detailing the procedure planned for the day along with associated risks. By signing and dating this form you give consent and understanding of those risks.
  • You will be asked to sign a consent form for the proposed procedure, including administration of a general anaesthetic/sedative if required and any other treatment that may prove to be necessary.
  • We ask that we are able to contact you throughout the day, so please ensure we have a correct telephone number for you. If we are unable to contact you we will leave a message but shall proceed in the best interests of your pet.
  • When the procedure is finished we will call you and arrange an appropriate and convenient discharge appointment with you.
  • During the discharge appointment we will discuss all aftercare, medication and future appointments.

Pre-anaesthetic blood test

A pre-anaesthetic blood test is useful for older animals and it is our policy to routinely carry out this profile on animals that are ten years or older.

If your animal is less than ten years old and you would still like this test, please discuss it with the vet or nurse on admission.

Intravenous fluid therapy

Normal procedure is to place any animals that are ten years old or more on fluid therapy while under general anaesthetic. This is to help them maintain their blood pressure and protect their kidneys.

Wound protection

Some animals may lick their wounds and this can be detrimental to healing. We have a selections of cone collars and bodysuits to help prevent this; please ask the nurse for advice.

Full payment is required at the time of collection

The Wheelhouse Veterinary Centre understands that this is a worrying time for you and your pet. Please try not to worry. We aim to give your pet the best care and attention. Our experienced and qualified veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses will ensure that your pet receives attentive and compassionate care throughout their stay at the surgery.

Return to all information sheets.

Any questions? Call us!